**Dads experience divorce differently and it is my mission to help them create a healthy and less traumatic divorce. **The Divorced Dadvocate App provides a myriad of content that will assist in navigating through your divorce and designing an amazing life for you and your children.Android App - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appbrosdesign.divorceddadvocate
Apple App - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-divorced-dadvocate/id1596361125

Jude Sandvall
**I am Jude: The Divorced Dadvocate **and I am a divorced, single father of 3 daughters.My divorce and the subsequent years are a case study in facing and overcoming the most difficult challenges in learning to thrive after divorce. I've been through it all including the court process, co-parenting, dating with kids and more!
10-day "Reconnect with nature" video series
Delivered In our app to you FREE!
How would you like 10-days of quick daily inspiration on reconnecting with Nature and the benefits it will have on your life? Simply fill out the form below to get an "unlock code" to access these videos in the Live Your List app. Here are the topics of the series:
4 Benefits of Connecting with Nature
3 Ways to Reconnect to Yourself by Reconnecting with Nature
Using Technology to Help Us Reconnect with Nature
Tips for Reconnecting with Nature
Three Reasons Why We Need to Teach Our Kids to Connect with Nature
4 Key Reasons Why You Should Reconnect with Nature Starting Today
4 Easy Ways to Reconnect with Nature When You Live in the City
4 Effortless Ways to Reconnect with Nature in 15 Minutes or Less
4 Ways to Encourage Children to Have Fun & Connect with Nature
Tips for Getting Grounded to Perform at Your Best

Download the E-book

What's inside:
Learn that gratitude is a state of being.
Learn how to use gratitude in your relationships to develop a deeper connection.
Learn how the power of positive emotions and gratitude can change your life.
Discover how practicing mindfulness and meditation can cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
Discover what unbalanced gratitude is and how you can counteract it.
Learn how gratitude can empower you to better understand how it can help you become more generous and compassionate.
Find out how you can learn gratitude and incorporate it into your daily life.
Learn how to develop gratitude habits.
Find out how to start to cultivate gratitude into your life
Download the E-book
Too many people these days are feeling lost, and that something is missing in their life.They feel like they want to make a more significant difference in the world, but don't know where to start.More and more people are searching for their true calling and purpose in life, but suffer tremendous inner turmoil while they do it.

What's inside:
What exactly purpose is and the difference between your purpose and your goals.
Discover the keys to finding your passion to start living the right way.
Learn how to set personal goals that will fuel your purpose and allow you to live a more fulfilled life.
Learn how being proactive can help you discover your true calling and allow you to live a purpose driven life.
Find out why it is important to always start with the end in mind.
Figure out how to leverage positive visualization to achieve your goals and accomplish your tasks so you can start living your life’s purpose.
Learn how to master personal management to live a purpose-filled life.
Discover the secrets to overcoming negativity so you can continue to move forward with discovering your true purpose in life.
Learn how to leverage mentors and coaches to help you with your personal development
And much more!
Unlock the Full Mindfulness Course here

Price: $97 USD
What's inside:
What exactly purpose is and the difference between your purpose and your goals.
Discover the keys to finding your passion to start living the right way.
Learn how to set personal goals that will fuel your purpose and allow you to live a more fulfilled life.
Learn how being proactive can help you discover your true calling and allow you to live a purpose driven life.
Download the E-book
What if you woke up every morning knowing that your life held meaning? You knew that the things you were going to say and do that day would not only give value to those around you but also add value to you. What if you lived according to your life’s purpose?Would you leap out of bed in the morning? Would you be more interested in getting started? Would each day feel like an adventure and every moment be treasured?Imagine if you could focus on your purpose, and you could feel that excitement in the core of your being every day. And then work your day and your life around that single point. Isn’t that an exciting thought?
What if you woke up every morning knowing that your life held meaning?You knew that the things you were going to say and do that day would not only give value to those around you but also add value to you. What if you lived according to your life’s purpose?Would you leap out of bed in the morning? Would you be more interested in getting started? Would each day feel like an adventure and every moment be treasured?Imagine if you could focus on your purpose, and you could feel that excitement in the core of your being every day. And then work your day and your life around that single point. Isn’t that an exciting thought?The problem is:What if you don’t know what your purpose is?